HCMA- I Sweden Leva med HCM – Idrott och motion vid HCM (Life with HCM – HCM and Physical Activity)

May 27, 2024 11:00AM—12:00PM


Cost $0.00

Hcm Swedish Society wants to invite you to our new webinar series, "Life with Hcm." This first episode will, together with our panelist, discuss the subject of exercise and movement
for those with the diagnosis and gene carriers.

For many, exercise is an important part of life, but a diagnosis such as HCM can sometimes stand in our way. Hcm Swedish society believes everyone has the right to a healthy life and
wants to welcome you to this webinar to spread information about physical activity.

The webinar will be held with the following panelists:

Dr Peter Magnusson, MD, PhD, is a cardiologist who has published several studies on HCM patients in Sweden. His PhD is one of the first in Sweden on HCM. After a period as
Medical Chief of BMS, Sweden, he is again engaged in academia.

Dr Daniel Andersson is an MD, PhD, and Associate Professor. He works at the Department of Cardiology at the Karolinska Hospital and also works as a scientist/researcher on the
properties of muscle cells at the Karolinska Institute.

Dr Adnan Rahman, MD, is a cardiologist with a great interest in sports medicine/cardiology. He sees many HCM cases in his practice and is also skilled in cardiac
ultrasound. With a diagnosis such as HCM, the topic of physical movement and exercise can feel both challenging and uncomfortable. During the webinar, the panelists will discuss what exercise
means for those with HCM, how to exercise, and what to consider. Regardless of age, fitness level, and whether or not you are diagnosed, we hope you can take something away from
this hour.

Do you have questions about physical movement and exercise that you want to be answered during the webinar? Please reach out to us! You are, of course, always anonymous.
Send an email: info@hcmsvenska.se
Message us on Instagram: @HCM Svenska Sällskap