
HCMA international

The HCMA has expanded international contacts and program partners.  We work together with the understanding of common goals.

    • To develop and maintain a network of support for people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; promote education about the symptoms and treatment options among those with HCM, their families and those having the professional care of HCM patients
    • To heighten awareness and protect against sudden death and life threatening arrhythmias
    • The need to develop and maintain a network of health care professionals educated in the treatment of the condition
    • To promote globally shared research into the condition and its treatment while providing access to research results.
    • Identifying and engaging passionate patients, clinicians, professional societies, government agencies and industry partners to improve awareness, diagnosis, and management of HCM worldwide



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HCM Swedish Society wants to invite you to our new webinar series, "Life with HCM." This first episode will, together with our panelist, discuss the subject of exercise and movement for those with the diagnosis and gene carriers. This webinar will be presented in Swedish.  To learn more about this event and to register, click HERE.