Free Online Discussion Group – “Simple Ways to Explore Creativity” with Host Gwen Mayes
Aug 24, 2021 7:00PM—8:00PM
Cost 0.0
Greetings from online discussion group leader, Gwen Mayes! Gwen is in her mid-60s, and has had symptoms of HCM since childhood. She was diagnosed in her 20s, and has done well with medication and lifestyle changes. Gwen is followed at two COEs and by a local cardiologist. To her, the frightening arrhythmias and emotional toll have been the most difficult to manage. As a discussion group leader, she will focus on self-awareness and stress management. During her career, Gwen was a physician assistant, lawyer, and spent 30 years as a health policy leader in Washington, DC. Today she is a consultant and life coach, lives on the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis, Maryland, and sails, writes, paints, and enjoys entertaining.