Free HCM Online Discussion for Ages 15 – 25 – Hosted by Lisa Salberg and co-host Amanda

Jul 28, 2021 7:00PM—8:00PM

Cost 0.0


A Discussion Group for ages 15-25 hosted by Lisa Salberg (HCMA Founder and CE)) with co-host, Amanda Rodriguez-Michel.  The purpose of this group is to facilitate discussions about life with HCM as a teen and young adult.  Peer host, Amanda, worked as an intern for the HCMA this past summer and she is super excited to be a support group leader for the HCMA!  She is a senior in high school, which means she spends her time mostly studying, but she also loves to do art, hanging out with friends, and taking her dogs for long walks in nature. Amanda has non-obstructive HCM, a defibrillator and pacemaker, and takes medication to manage symptoms.  Being a group leader to Amanda means building an environment of trust and support for everyone, so all can benefit.