The HCMA’s Focus for June is Staying Fit With HCM! 

There needs to be more clarity about exercise for HCM patients. Some doctors say, “don’t do anything physical,” and others say, “do whatever you want.” We can likely agree on one thing – they’re both wrong, and the best advice is somewhere in the middle. Experts agree that exercise is healthy for people with HCM.…

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Swinging for a Cause: Golf Outings to Support HCMA

Golf outings aren’t just about perfecting your swing or enjoying a sunny day on the course—they’re also a powerful tool for raising awareness and funds for the HCMA. The organization has benefited from many volunteer-led golf outings over the years. The longest standing is the  George Dooley Golf Outing, which has supported the HCMA while…

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HCMA’s Lifesaving Engagement in the Local Community 

On April 20th, HCMA spread awareness of HCM and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) at the Denville Little League’s opening day ceremony, which attracted over 1,000 residents. At HCMA’s booth, Lisa Salberg, Elena Morgan, Adam Salberg, Lisa Vecchione, Kim Walsh, Arniella Santos, and John Titus, shared information about HCM and SCA preparedness, while promoting an upcoming…

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The HCMA has many volunteer opportunities to keep you inspired, fulfilled, and active within the HCM community. Are you interested in learning more about becoming a discussion group leader? Are you interested in making a difference through the legislative process at the state or federal levels? How about helping to spread awareness about HCM by…

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