1.3 million Americans suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the most common genetic heart disease in the US. This mainly inherited condition causes the heart muscle to thicken and become stiff, which makes it very difficult to pump blood and leads to heart rhythm abnormalities. Yet, according to UCLA Health, only 15% of affected individuals are even aware they have this condition.
HCM affects every age, gender, and ethnicity; some individuals have no initial symptoms while others experience fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, fainting, and even sudden cardiac death. These varying symptoms make HCM difficult to diagnose and often results in a misdiagnosis. Effective testing is an important first step to identifying HCM and the best place to seek expert care is at an HCM Center of Excellence (COE).
We are proud to announce that the Johns Hopkins HCM Center has received “Center of Excellence” designation from the HCMA. Our services include the entire spectrum of care needed to treat this condition including: diagnostic imaging and procedures, genetic counseling, medical treatment, arrhythmia management, catheter based and surgical treatment options, and advanced heart failure and transplant. Our partnership between pediatric cardiology, adult cardiology and our genetics team allows for the care of individuals and family members.
Johns Hopkins Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center
The Levi Watkins, Jr, MD, Outpatient Center
601 N. Caroline Street, 7th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
Scheduling Phone: 410-955-1094
Please visit for more information about Johns Hopkins HCM Center, please visit:
For more information on all HCMA Recognized Centers of Excellence, please visit