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66 Ford Road - Suite 213B
Denville, NJ 07834


Join Our Growing Global Community

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Membership supports the HCMA and ensures that we are here for you, your family, and the next person that learns that they too have HCM and are simply not sure where to turn.

The HCMA supports an internal staff to help us serve our membership with proper governance, administrative support, as well as knowledgeable patient advocacy support. Our members are the reason we exist, and we do everything possible to support them through diagnosis, management issues, appeals, transplant, family screenings, school/work planning, and, sadly, the grieving process.

It is only through the support of those we work for that the HCMA has been able to serve the HCM community for 25 years. To ensure we are here when you and your HCM friends and family need information, support, or advocacy, we encourage you to support the HCMA by becoming an annual member or making an annual donation.

Member Levels

1- Year Memberships
3-Year Memberships
7-Day Free Trial Plan
US Member
$202 USD
$82 USD
7-Day Free Trial Plan
International Member
$220 USD
$100 USD

VIP Package

Lifetime Membership


  • Welcome Packet PLUS
  • All items included in annual membership
  • Heart Failure Society of America - Reciprocal membership
  • 24-hour contact line
  • 1-hour annual consultation call
  • Introduction package to Care Providers
  • Unlimited Webinar access
  • Web page acknowledgement (optional)
  • VIP seating at all HCMA events
  • Meet and Greet opportunities with faculty

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Free with your Paid Membership:

  • HCMA's Mission

    Providing support, advocacy, and education to patients, families, the medical community, and the public about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, while supporting research and fostering the development of treatments.

  • HCMA's Values

    To be the pre-eminent organization improving the lives of those with HCM, preventing untimely deaths, and advancing global understanding.

  • HCMA's Objectives
    • Educate about the symptoms and treatment options for patients, their families and their medical providers.
    • Advocate for policy/ legislation that improves disease detection, healthcare access, matters of importance to the community.
    • Develop and maintain a network of support for individuals with HCM and their families.
    • Increase accessibility to specialized healthcare professionals providing evidence-based treatment of HCM.
    • Promote and publish research of HCM and broaden access to results with the ultimate goal of eradicating the disease.
    • Partner with complementary organizations that will help further the mission of the education about, and management of the disease.
    • Generate appropriate funding for a sustainable organization and ongoing patient and physician engagement.
Learn More

Membership Scholarship

The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association believes that all patients with HCM should have access to the support, advocacy, and education we provide. If you cannot afford the full cost of an HCMA membership you can apply for financial assistance to cover all or part of your membership fee. Generous donations from individuals and businesses provide scholarship assistance to make that possible. Membership scholarships are provided within the limits of available funding.

Eligibility Requirements
Since a limited amount of funds are available, priority will be given to those participants with the greatest need. The program is designed to aid those in a "crisis" or "high risk" situation. Examples of situations include (but are not limited to) unemployment, lack of medical insurance, limited income, multiple family members diagnosed.

How to Apply
Applicants must complete the application in full - scholarships will be awarded as resources are available, with priority given based on scoring. Please email your completed application for processing to

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