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What are all those abbreviations?

Abbreviation Definition Meaning
ACC An association of cardiologists. American College of Cardiology
AED Device that detects life-threatening arrhythmias and delivers a shock while waiting for the emergency medical team. Usually mounted on a wall. Automated External Defibrillator
AFIB An arrhythmia (Sometimes AF). Atrial Fibrillation
AHA An association supporting research and treatment for heart diseases. American Heart Association
Aflutter An arrhythmia. Atrial Flutter
ASA Used to reduce septal thickness, not an ablation for AFIB. Alcohol Septal Ablation
AV A valve in the heart. Aortic Valve
BP Systolic (squeeze) over diastolic (relax). Blood Pressure
CAD Blocked/partly blocked coronary arteries. Coronary Artery Disease
COE HCM specialty center certified by the HCMA Center of Excellence
CPET An evaluation of the cardio-pulmonary system during the stress of exercise. CardioPulmonary Exercise Test
CPR Emergency chest compressions to help a person in cardiac arrest until an AED or medical team can restore heart function. CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
CRT A pacemaker is used to coordinate the heart's rhythm. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
CT A medical scan, also called a CAT scan. Computerized Tomography
DCM The heart muscle becomes weakened and enlarged. Dilated Cardiomyopathy
DOAC Newer drugs that prevent blood clots Direct Oral AntiCoagulants
DVT A blood clot, usually in your leg. Deep Vein Thrombosis
ECG/EKG A snapshot of your heart's rhythm. Electrocardiogram
Echo Uses sound waves to measure dimensions of your heart and give moving images of the heart walls and valves. Doppler echo shows blood flow. Echocardiogram
EF The percent of blood inside the left ventricle that exits when the heart pumps. (Sometimes LVEF - left ventricular ejection fraction) Ejection Fraction
EP Specialty care for heart electrical issues such as arrhythmias. Electrophysiology or Electrophysiologist
GDMT The optimal course of treatment for patients in each stage of heart failure. Established by ACC and AHA. Guideline-Directed Management and Therapy
HCM Disease of the heart muscle that often involves thickening of the muscle, electrical problems, and problems with the mitral valve. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
HCMA An association serving the HCM community. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association
HF The amount of blood coming out of the heart is not enough for the body's needs - either because the heart can't pump well enough or it can't fill well enough. Not a heart attack! CHF - Congestive Heart Failure. Heart Failure
HOCM HCM with an obstruction of the outflow tract. Blood is harder to pump out of the heart. Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
HR How fast your heart is beating. Heart Rate
ICD An implanted device that can shock your heart into a normal rhythm if you are in a dangerous rhythm. SICD is the Subcutaneous version. Internal Cardioverter Defibrillator
ILR A paperclip-sized device that is implanted under the skin of the left chest that can record and transmit samples of abnormal heart rhythms for up to three years. Implantable Loop Recorder
IVS Muscular wall separating the left and right ventricles of the heart. Intraventricular Septum
LA One of 4 chambers of the heart. Left Atrium
LAMP2 Mutation of this gene is involved in Danon disease. Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein-2
LBBB A type of heart block common after myectomy surgery. Left Bundle Branch Block
LGE Contrast used during MRI to better show scarring in the heart. Late Gadolinium Enhancement
LV One of 4 chambers of the heart. Left Ventricle
LVAD May be used while waiting for a transplant. Left Ventricular Assist Device
LVH Thickening of the muscle in the left ventricle. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
LVOT Where blood exits the heart and where those with HCM may have obstruction - LVOTO. Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
MET The amount of oxygen used to do a task compared to the amount used while sitting at rest. Metabolic Equivalent of Task
MI Another way of saying heart attack. Myocardial Infarction
MR Some blood flows the wrong way through the mitral valve. Mitral Regurgitation
MRI A medical scan that uses magnets to create a 3D image. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MVP The two flaps of the mitral valve don't close evenly, but bulge up into the left atrium. Mitral Valve Prolapse
NSVT An arrhythmia. Non-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
NYHA Organization that classified stages of heart failure. New York Heart Association
PAC An arrhythmia. Premature Atrial Contraction
PVC An arrhythmia. Premature Ventricular Contraction
PVI A type of ablation used to treat afib. Pulmonary Vein Isolation
RA One of 4 chambers of the heart. Right Atrium
RBBB A type of heart block common after ASA. Right Bundle Branch Block
RCT A research design that randomly assigns participants to an experimental group or control group - the main difference between groups is the thing being studied (for example, a medicine). Randomized Controlled Trial
RV One of 4 chambers of the heart. Right Ventricle
SAM Movement of the mitral valve towards the LVOT. Can cause obstruction of the outflow tract. Systolic Anterior Motion
SCA The heart stops due to an electrical problem: not a heart attack. Sudden Cardiac Arrest
SCD If a person with SCA isn't treated quickly, they die. Sudden Cardiac Death
SOB It feels hard to catch your breath - dyspnea. Shortness of Breath
SRT Myectomy surgery, alcohol septal ablation. Septal Reduction Therapy
SVT A group of arrhythmias. Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia
TEE Echocardiogram done with a tube down the throat. Trans-Esophogeal Echo
TTE Echocardiogram done from outside the chest, the common type. Trans-Thoracic Echo
VFIB An arrhythmia (sometimes VF) that often leads to sudden cardiac arrest. Ventricular Fibrillation
VO2 Max An exercise test with a mask to measure the highest amount of oxygen used during movement. Volume of Oxygen Max
VT An arrhythmia. Ventricular Tachycardia
VUS A grey area in genetics where the identified gene mutation might or might not contribute to HCM. Variant of Unknown Significance
WPW A congenital heart abnormality that can cause tachycardia and sometimes mimics HCM. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
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