Contact us:

66 Ford Road - Suite 213B
Denville, NJ 07834

I need help with my HCM

As an HCMA Ambassador, we will help you provide consistency in messaging and accuracy in scientific knowledge.

You can post about your HCM journey from diagnosis to the current day. You can post about your experience finding the proper medication, care provider, or exercise regimen. You can post about your worries and fears and how you overcame them in a way that will inspire others. You can post as little or as often as feels right for you.

Apply today to become an HCMA Ambassador!

Note: Seating is limited for our HCMA Ambassador Program's orientation/training sessions. Applicants will be notified as additional orientation/training sessions are made available. 


Join the HCMA Ambassador Program to raise awareness through the power of social media. “HCM...get to Know Us”. 

Raising awareness through the power of social media 

Get involved today

Did you know that the prevalence of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is 1 in 250 (or more) with approximately 85% of patients undiagnosed or misdiagnosed?

What if every person with HCM had an accurate diagnosis, access to proper care and felt a little less “alone” by hearing from another patient’s experience?

You can help make this happen by using social media to share your experience living with HCM as an HCMA Ambassador.  The HCMA has established a program to help HCM patients, caregivers, and families learn best practices to optimize their social media postings, tracking, and engagement.

There are 4.76 billion social media users worldwide. That is 59.4 percent of the world’s population! With several different social media platforms – Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. – you can, as an HCMA Ambassador, become instrumental in assisting better outcomes for HCM patients.

HCM patients are in every zip code, corner of the Earth, income bracket, race, ethnicity, gender and age.

Meet our HCMA Ambassadors

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