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66 Ford Road - Suite 213B
Denville, NJ 07834

I need help with my HCM

HCMA Research Application

The HCMA is the preeminent organization improving the lives of those with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, HCM, preventing untimely deaths and advancing global understanding. Founded in 1996, we are committed to providing support, education, advocacy, and advancing research, understanding, and care to those with HCM.

Please focus on the scope of the project and its impact on the workings of HCMA and potential benefit to HCM patients and the future knowledge of the field at large.  We partner with outside entities in multiple areas, including students, academia, government, industry, and market research, to achieve the organization's mission on behalf of HCM patients, family members, and providers. 

For consideration, applicants are asked to complete one of the following applications depending upon the project's needs.  These are divided into

1) those that will require IRB approval for patient engagement; and

2) those less rigorous that do not require IRB approval. 

Submissions are reviewed on the 3rd Thursday of each month and may require the review of the Medical Affairs Committee. (Please allow 30 days for review)

To have an application considered, please fill out the appropriate form.  If you have questions, call us at 973-983-7429 or email the HCMA.

Please complete the application below for projects that require IRB oversite or a peer review process.

 Apply Here

If you would like to partner with the HCMA on a project that does not require IRB approval or client data access please apply below.

Apply Here

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