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66 Ford Road - Suite 213B
Denville, NJ 07834

Karen Klimczak

I was diagnosed with HCM at 27 years old, with no family history and years of passing out/concussions (early 20s) during physical activity. Having grown up super active: playing tennis, hiking and weightlifting, HCM wasn’t easy to understand or diagnose.
With the incredible support of the HCMA and an amazing healthcare team/Center of Excellence, I received an ICD and learned that ventricular arrhythmias from HCM were causing these episodes. Having survived many life-saving ICD shocks and proactive care, I’ve been living fully- having a career as a Registered Dietitian, lots of travel, enjoying a wonderful marriage and becoming a mom to a fascinating daughter (now 6).
I am incredibly grateful to have received a life-giving heart transplant on NYE 2020. As a support group co-leader, I hope to support others along their transplant journey and life’s path. It is all possible because of great support (a huge village) and taking it one moment at a time.

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