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66 Ford Road - Suite 213B
Denville, NJ 07834

Debra Rafson

Debra Rafson was diagnosed with HCM in 2011 at age 32, after a lifetime of red flags and unexplained symptoms. The following year, she made her way to an HCMA-recognized Center of Excellence for the first time, where she found the care team she needed. In October 2016, she had a septal myectomy, mitral valve adjustment, and ICD implant at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. She currently resides in South Florida. By trade, Debra is an arts administrator, having worked as a theatrical stage manager and managing director. She hopes to transition to more work in writing and helping people with chronic illness navigate their medical journeys. Debra is one of the original HCMA Online Discussion Group Leaders, beginning in late 2020, and loves meeting other people with this disease and sharing our stories of “Life with HCM.”

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