San Francisco, CA
535 Mission Bay Blvd South
415 - 353-2873
UCSF Health's mission, vision and values convey the reasons we exist as an organization, what we aspire to as an organization and the way we will work to get there. They are a unifying force that link all of us together.
Our mission - the reason we exist - is Caring, Healing, Teaching and Discovering.
Our vision - what we want to be - is to be the best provider of health care services, the best place to work and the best environment for teaching and research.
Our values statement - our guide to the individual and organizational behavior we expect - is embodied in the acronym PRIDE:
P for Professionalism, how we conduct ourselves and our business
R for Respect for our patients, families, ourselves and each other
I for Integrity, always doing the honest, right thing
D for Diversity, understanding and embracing the diverse beliefs, needs and expectations of our patients, community and employees
E for Excellence, what we strive for in everything we do
Roselle Abraham, MD - Adult HCM Program Director
Roselle Abraham, MD - Electrophysiology
Theodore Abraham, MD - Adult Echo
Theodore Abraham, MD - HCM Program Co-Director
Michael Brooks, MD - Pediatric Echo
Toby Deuse, MD - Cardiac Surgery
Ed Gerstenfeld, MD - Electrophysiology
Jeffrey Gossett, MD - Pediatric HCM Program Director
Liviu Klein, MD - Adv. Heart Failure & Pulmonary HT
Byron Lee, MD - Electrophysiology
Teresa de Marco, MD - Adv. Heart Failure & Pulmonary HT
Karen Ordovasc, MD - MRI
Miguel Pampaloni, MD - Nuclear Medicine
Shabnam Peyvandi, MD - Pediatric Echo
Tom Ports, MD - Interventional Cardiology
Peggy Powers - Program Director
Mohan Reddy, MD - Cardiac Surgery Peds.
Ronn Tanel, MD - Electrophysiology
Julianne Wojciak - Genetic Counselor