Exercise & HCM

There is finally more clarity about exercise for HCM patients. Some doctors say, “Don’t do anything physical,” and others say, “Do whatever you want.” We can likely agree on one thing – they’re both wrong, and the best advice is somewhere in the middle.

Exercise has well-established physical and mental health benefits and is an integral part of life for millions of people worldwide. However, for individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the possibility that physical activity may heighten the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) has led to exercise restriction and disqualification from competitive sports.

recent study of the exercise habits of over 1500 HCM patients has shed additional light on this important topic. You can hear about the research findings and recommendations for yourself. 


Lisa Salberg, Dr. Rachel Lampert, and Dr. Sharlene Day discussed the study and its implications for HCM patients during a webinar on the LIVE-HCM study.

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